Monthly publications that can help grow and protect your book of business by bringing you the latest competitive information in the market.
Our publications are the premier source for the most up-to-date rate, rule and form filing information in the Property & Casualty Industry. Each publication is available in both Electronic and/or Paper Format. Corporate Subscriptions are also available.
The California Insurance ADVISOR (CAIA)
The California Insurance ADVISOR, the newest of M&C’s publications, includes many similarities to its affiliate newsletters, The Pennsylvania and New York Insurance ADVISORS. You still get the same great captions on recently approved filings, but with one major difference, the availability of recently submitted and PENDING filings featured in the back of each issue. This publication helps companies keep up to date on recently approved changes, but also alerts them when a company has submitted for a change or introduced a new product in their market.
The Pennsylvania Insurance ADVISOR (PAIA)
The Pennsylvania Insurance ADVISOR (PAIA) is the pioneer publication for M&C and is read by hundreds of carriers and agents every month. No other insurance publication will give you rich snippets of information across all Property & Casualty lines of business and products in the marketplace. It’s designed to keep you close to the changes occurring regularly within your market. Join the many other carriers that have made the decision to not be the last to know about something that can affect their book of business, SUBSCRIBE TODAY. Available in paper or electronic format.
The New York Insurance ADVISOR (NYIA)
The New York Insurance ADVISOR (NYIA) is similar to its sister publication, The Pennsylvania Insurance ADVISOR, but it covers a very different market. Like a handful of other states, NY has some unique writing nuances and hosts a different landscape of competition. If you are writing business in New York and you are not receiving this publication currently, you may be missing changes that your competition has been making and may realize when it’s too late, so SUBSCRIBER TODAY!
The Professional & Cyber Liability Report (PCLR)
We have been publishing The Professional & Cyber Liability Report (PCLR) since 1994 and it is the ONLY publication of its kind that targets the professional liability market and captures the actual approved filing. This monthly publication provides subscribers detailed carrier information and focuses on delivering valuable content on the hottest new programs and changes in the market. Professional program updates include Accountants, Architects & Engineers, Community Associations, Directors & Officers, Insurance Agents & Brokers, Investment Managers, Lawyers, Miscellaneous, Public Entities, Real Estate Agents, Social Services, etc. If you are writing or selling professional liability insurance, you must subscribe to this publication today.
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