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Client Testimonials

Education Requirements for Licensees to be Waived due to COVID-19

March 2020
Pennsylvania has issued a bulletin regarding Education Requirements for Licensees that cannot be met due to COVID-19. The Bullentin also states that until further notice, temporary extentions for renewal deadlines will be given.  Please see Bulletin 2020-06 for more details. 
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Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019

February 2020
Minnesota released a circular stating the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019 was extended through December 31, 2027.  Please see WC Circular Letter 20-1760 for more details.  Martin & Company can help your company stay in compliance, please contact us today.
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Florida Has Updated the Rules Regarding Workers’ Compensation Application and Audit Procedures

January 2020
Please see  FAC Rule 69O-189.003 for more details. Martin & Company can help your company stay in compliance, please contact us today.
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Martin & Company a Key Meeting Sponsor

January 2020
Martin & Company is a key meeting sponsor at the upcoming TMPAA Mid-Year Meeting in Tampa, FL. At the conference, you will be able to hear from thought leaders to gain Insights & Perspectives about our industry and the state of program business. Grow and improve your operation with access to more than 60 program carriers including London Markets, premier service providers, reinsurance support, program development and distribution resources, educational opportunities, and networking with 700+ program professionals. Read More
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